Down The Cobbled Lanes
A look at life in Killarney in the early 20th century

Over the course of several months in 1985 an oral history project was undertaken by two members of the Trustees of Muckross House. Tadhg O’Sullivan of Kerry Mineral Waters, and Paddy MacMonagle of Killarney Printing Works, endeavoured to record their early memories of life in the town. The recordings took place in the kitchen of Paddy’s House on Countess Road, with the assistance of Ned Myers, Manager of Muckross House.
As might be expected of home-made recordings of that time, the sound is not always of a very high quality. However, the recordings do provide us with valuable glimpses of life in Killarney in the early 20th century. Extracts from the recordings will be uploaded here as a series of podcasts, entitled ‘Down the Cobbled Lanes,’ over the coming months.

Part of the
is visible inside the tree lined wall
Episode 15
In this episode Tadhg and Paddy MacMonagle remember the Glebe Hotel, which was formerly located in College Street, close to the junction with Plunkett Street (once known as Henn Street). Prior to becoming a hotel, it appears that the building had functioned as an army barracks for ‘red-coated’ British Army soldiers. Tadhg and Paddy recall that Batt Coffey was the resident hotel gardener at the Glebe Hotel. He arrived every day from Aghadoe, by donkey and cart, to tend its ornamental grounds and fruit garden.
Tadhg and Paddy also recall a time when Killarney town was lit by gas. The Gas Works was located down ‘the Concrete’, also known as St Mary’s Road, off New Street. A man carrying a ladder used to travel the town every evening to light each street lamp. The lamps then had to be extinguished the following morning.
Posted - 24-07-24
Listening time: 8.12 mins.

Episode 9 - 13
The Making of "The Dawn"
The Dawn was the first full-length,
Irish-made, feature film and it was
filmed in and around Killarney during
1934 and 1935. It was the brain-child of
the remarkable Tom Cooper, a local man
who both starred in and also directed
the film. The plot centres on the Irish
War of Independence and the conflict
between members of the Irish Republican
Army (IRA) and the British Black and
Tans. The actors, all local people, were
amateurs. An old building located on the
Railway Road in Killarney, owned by the
Kerry Electric Supply Company Ltd., was
used as a studio. The Dublin premier of
the film took place on 27 May 1936. It
was released in America under the title
Dawn Over Ireland.
Tadhg O’Sullivan knew Tom Cooper and was
one of those who participated in the
making of The Dawn. In these recordings
he recalls many interesting details and
events relating to the project.
Posted - 13-01-24

Episode 14
Tadhg recalls here the
prominent part played by the Great
Southern Hotel in the history of
Killarney town during the period of the
War of Independence. He remembers the
British army horses and mules being
stabled across from the hotel. Tadhg
also describes how twenty or thirty
pairs of horses were often ridden down
through the town to the Deenagh River by
British soldiers. Here, near the
Cathedral, is where the animals were
Tadhg recalls the trials and
tribulations that were involved in the
making of a suit. At that time it was
simply not possible to buy a man’s suit
‘off the peg.’ Instead, clothing was
handmade by hard-working tailors.
However, this could lead to lengthy
delays, as Tadhg’s father discovered
when he placed an order for a new suit.
Posted - 13-01-24
Listening time: 8.56 mins.

Episode 8
In those days, according to Tadhg, most people living down Killarney’s lanes kept a pig. It was then, on Fair Days, an amusing sight to see a pig being walked through the town to the Fair Field, in College Street. Tolls were paid, by those living outside the town, on any animals sold at the Fair. Tadhg also recalls how one local shopkeeper, Dan Clifford, adopted an unusual approach to advertising his goods. He further explains why a new-ordained clergyman was described by one local woman as, ‘a priest made out of turf!’
Posted - 02-02-23
Listening time: 9.41 mins.

Episode 7
In this episode of ‘Down the Cobbled Lanes’ Tadhg O’Sullivan and Paddy MacMonagle discuss some more of the characters who inhabited the Killarney of their youth.
Tadhg first of all tells us of the inconvenience caused on occasion by a lack of plumbing in the town. We then listen in sympathy as he describes the dental treatment that was meted out to those unfortunate enough to require it. Finally Tadhg recalls one local priest who enjoyed the last laugh when a parishioner encouraged him to shorten the length of his sermons.
Posted - 17-10-22
Listening time: 8.29 mins.

Episode 6
Tadhg and Paddy discuss some of the events that took place in Henn Street, now Plunkett Street, Killarney during the Irish War of Independence. A stationery and millinery shop, run by the patriotic Gleeson sisters, attracted the unwelcome attention of the British forces, including the infamous Black and Tans. The latter threatened to burn the shop down unless the sisters removed their name in Irish from above the shop front. This order was resisted. However, at the last minute a neighbour, afraid for the safety of her own premises, used green paint to obscure the Irish name. The Black and Tans subsequently daubed ‘B and T’, for Black and Tans, on the shutters.
The Gleeson’s shop was frequented by Republicans including Thomas Ashe, Austin Stack and Éamon de Valera.
Posted - 19-9-22
Listening time: 9.28 mins.

Episode 5
Here Tadhg recalls some of the events that took place in Killarney town on 11 July 1921. On that day the Truce came into effect bringing an end to the Irish War of Independence. In the final moments of that conflict, two British soldiers were shot in Main Street. While in College Square a young domestic servant, Hannah Carey, was shot dead outside the Imperial Hotel where she worked.
We also learn of the indomitable Mrs Flynn who was fearless in confronting one of Lord Kenmare’s bailiffs.
Posted - 29-8-22
Listening time: 8.29 mins.

Episode 4
Tadhg and Paddy recall some of the well-known personalities of the town, including the solicitor Maurice McCarthy. They remember the club house of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, which was situated in Brewery Lane. Billiards and cards were played there and the club was the scene of a well-known poker school. Tadhg and Paddy also recall that, before radio, people often met arrivals off the Dublin train seeking news of the latest Kerry football results.
Posted - 19-7-22
Listening time: 8.09 mins.

Episode 3
Tadhg and Paddy recall that religious celebrations, including the annual Corpus Christi procession, often resulted in rivalry between the different lanes of Killarney town. The inhabitants of each lane put much effort into decorating their own individual neighbourhoods and competition was intense. Tadhg and Paddy also recall with great glee the misfortune that befell the unfortunate drummer in Killarney’s Fife and Drum Band!
Posted - 14-6-22
Listening time: 8.00 mins.

Episode 2
In this, our second podcast, Tadhg and Paddy recall some of those who worked as coffin-makers, jarveys and tailors in Killarney a century ago. We also learn of the accidental burning of the Casino Cinema. This was a wooden structure, formerly a dance hall, where people often danced until dawn!
Posted - 1-5-22
Listening time: 8.33 mins.

Episode 1
In this, the first podcast, we learn of the former whereabouts of the British Army recruiting office in the town. We also learn of the efforts made by local boys to fly the tricolour over Main Street in the period leading up to the War of Independence.
Posted - 14-4-22
Listening time: 8.06 mins.
Muckross House Research Library would like to thank JJ O’Shea for composing the theme music to accompany our series ‘Down the Cobbled Lanes.’
The music is performed by Reidun Schlesinger (harp) and Barry Lynch (whistles and uilleann pipes).